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A Techstars portfolio company

Get your legal questions answered by startup attorney Abraham Williamson at our Mar ATL Tech Tuesdays Founder Happy Hour

Updated: Feb 28, 2024

Learn about the $200K Visionaries Accelerator for diverse founders.

Attention, Atlanta tech founders!

Join us for the next Tech Tuesdays founder happy hour and meet our attorney, Abraham Williamson, who specializes in working with high-growth startups.

Abraham will talk about legal issues he sees startup founders missing these days.

And he will answer your questions!

Being legally buttoned-up may be the difference between getting funded or not, so come thru and get this legal knowledge!

Plus there will be 💣 pizza from Antico 🤌🏽, free drinks 🥂, and dope founders in the room 💥.

And last but not least, we are excited to be moving to our new location, Tech Square ATL!

The last happy hour in February with TechCrunch+ Editor-In-Chief, Alex Wilhelm, was a blast and March will be even better! Here's Alex explaining to us how he got @alex as his Twitter handle.

RSVP for the March happy hour here.

P.S., If you'd like to support the work we do in our Kabila community to connect overlooked founders to capital and each other, please make a one-time contribution of your choice here, or a monthly $19 contribution here.



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