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A Techstars portfolio company

AfroTech journalist, Samantha Dorisca, will teach you how to properly pitch media to get PR

Learn about the $200K Visionaries Accelerator for diverse founders.

PR for your startup, we all want it, right?

But do you know how to effectively pitch the media to get it?

Last week, Samantha Dorisca featured Kabila in AfroTech, so I asked her to come talk with us about how to level up your PR pitching skills, so you can land solid media hits, and put a few nice "As seen in" logos on your landing page! 😀

And she said, yes!

Come thru Monday at 9:30 am ET to learn from Samantha and level up your PR pitching skills.

P..S., If you're looking for a co-founder, download our co-founder matching app MVP here.



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